
Butter Chicken

Get ready to discover a dish loved by people all over the world – Butter Chicken. It's a flavorful and creamy dish that especially combines spices. This recipe will take you on a delicious journey filled with amazing tastes and textures. Prepare to be amazed by the wonderful flavours as we show you how to make the best Butter Chicken. From the delicious smell in the kitchen to the first bite, this recipe will make you want more. Let's get started and explore the wonderful world of Butter Chicken!

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Cooking ingredients

For the Sauce

  • 750g -1 kg boneless chicken cubes
  • 4-5 chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste
  • ½ cup Oli/Ghee
  • ½ cup Butter
  • 1 packet Milan Butter Chicken
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • ½ cup Milk
  • ½ cup Fresh cream

For Garnishing

  • Fresh coriander, chopped
  • Fresh cream

Cooking instructions

Prepare the Chicken

  • Heat oil or ghee in a pot over medium heat. Add chopped tomatoes and fry until they become soft and tender.
  • Add ginger garlic paste and Milan Butter Chicken Masala to the pot. Stir well and cook for about 5-6 minutes on low heat. This will bring out the flavours and create a fragrant base for the dish.
  • Pour in fresh cream, lemon juice, and butter. Mix everything well and let it simmer for 1-2 minutes. This will give the flavours time to blend together.

Garnish and Serve

  • Garnish the Butter Chicken with freshly chopped coriander to add a burst of freshness and vibrant colour.
  • Serve the Butter Chicken with warm chapatis, naan bread, or boiled rice.

The creamy and flavorful Butter Chicken will pair perfectly with these accompaniments, creating a satisfying meal.

Enjoy the delightful flavours of Butter Chicken, with its aromatic spices, creamy sauce, and tender chicken.

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